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Trust Motivation In Practice Application Research Of Security Personnel Incentive Mechanism In Our Country

Posted on:2013-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371464965Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of reform and opening up, economic construction and the rapid development of rapid development in the commercial today, focusing on material interests of society, as a protection key party and state leaders and security personnel guard the security of the urgent need to strengthen the trust of incentives training. The main principles and methods of training is to create objects and security personnel guard the trust and respect of both the trust of incentives, encourage innovation and trust in the content, security work and security to ensure the absolute safety of the object.Trust incentives for individual behavior is obviously caused by intrinsic motivation. The so-called incentive, is to stimulate, encourage the means, through some kind of incentive behavior in order to promote certain ideas, aspirations and behavior of the mental process. Incentive motivation is trust, which means that, in a variety of management activities and take effective measures to fully mobilize and maximize their positive or encouraging managers to sexual conduct is to achieve better management. The special nature of security staff incentive trust is to be constructed on both leaders and security personnel on the basis of emotional communication, leadership trust of security personnel, carry out the work of guards play a vital role. In this paper, drawing on domestic and international confidence in the research incentives, encourage the use of Rotter’s trust scale preparation and Bongd of DOS (Defense Style Questionnaire), through the Yunnan Public Security guards working in more than 200 systems around the leadership of the different education, different age cadre of security, soldiers phases of a comprehensive survey of the current incentives for security assessment of the trust. Incentives for trust security personnel problems in practice and study of its causes, proposed incentives to build trust is characterized by security personnel Reflections incentives, including interest should be dealt with and correctly grasp the spirit of dedication and drive the relationship between and the relationship between interest and justice; trust security personnel selection and motivation methods integration, security personnel should be based on social status, age, working and living environment of the special nature of security personnel in the way of thinking, behavior patterns, and age and other age segment of people in other occupations have a greater difference, focusing on the collective combination of incentives and individual incentives, the spirit of the combination of incentives and material incentives, negative incentives and an appropriate combination of positive incentives.
Keywords/Search Tags:The guards, Trust, incentive mechanism
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