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Study On The Interest Orientation Function Of Ideological And Political Education

Posted on:2013-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C R YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371471956Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the socialist market economy, in the background of the diversification of interest entity, interest relation among the participants, all kinds of the conflict of interest and the adjustment of interests, ideological and political education plays an important role in interest orientation of consciously by perspectives on subject. It has important sense in improving the effectiveness of ideological and political education, promoting people’s all-round development and the construction of the harmonious social relation of interests. The interest orientation function of ideological and political education refers to teaching the mainstream of social interest value to the people that causes them to form the desired benefit of education value and to guide and standardize their interest action. It is orientation function of ideological and political education in-depth and refinement. The paper is composed by the four chapters:ChapterⅠdiscusses the connotation of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education and its function generation. This part mainly studies the connotation of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education, and discusses the possibility and necessity of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education theoretically and practically. That is "why to orientate".ChapterⅡdiscusses the performance of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education. It is one important of the paper. According to different angles, the interest orientation function of ideological and political education can be divided into different types. This chapter mainly interprets the social function and individual function. That is "what to orientate".ChapterⅢdiscusses the exertion of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education. It is not only the other important of the paper, but also it’s the most difficult part of this dissertation. This part mainly based on the dynamic and static research method. The exertion of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education is divided into three processes and four stages. We further discuss three ways to play its function. That is "how to orientate".Chapter IV discusses the strengthenment of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education. It’s the extension research of the third part. In order to play its function in a more great extent, we must raise team quality, grasp the guidance time, pay attention to the ways and methods, and match the other interest orientation means. That is the "how to strengthen".
Keywords/Search Tags:ideological and political education, interest, orientation, function
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