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Study On Relationship Between Iran And Gulf States Since The Nuclear Crisis

Posted on:2013-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374966496Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In1979, the Iran broke out the Islamic Revolution, the newly established Islamic regime completely overthrown the Iran’s pro-Western foreign policy in the era of Pahlavi Dynasty, and began to carry out the radical Islamic foreign policy. The core of this foreign policy was "not the West, not the East, only the Islam" and "outputting the revolution". The foreign policy of the new Iran regime, on the one hand raised the discontent of United States of America and Soviet Union, on the other hand, the activities of the radical "outputting revolution" caused strong concerns from the Arabia neighbors. The relations between the Iran and the Gulf States began to deteriorate, and in the Iran-Iraq war, the Iran’s attempt to force carrying out the outputting revolution came across the strongly resisted by the Gulf Arabia States. After Ali Khamenei being the supreme leader of Iran, he faced to the severe domestic economic difficulties and unprecedented diplomatic isolation, and began to actively seek for easing the relations with the Arabic neighbors. Via the joint efforts of the two presidents Rafsanjani and Khatami, the serious economic difficulties and diplomatic isolation has been greatly eased, but it failed to establish the solid mutual trust with the Gulf States, and the relations with the United States of America was without any substantial alleviation. After coming to power of Ahmadinejad, the Iran’s foreign policy was tough again, and the process of relaxing the relations with the Gulf neighbors slowed down. Meanwhile, the frictions were constant. Since the eruption of the Iran nuclear crisis in2007, the antagonisms in the relations between the Iran and the Gulf States were increased gradually, the relations between the Iran and Saudi Bahrain were gradually deteriorated, the conflicts between the Iran and Oman&Qatar, and kept an unstable relations with the Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Overall, the relations between the Iran and Arabia neighbors were negative. The overall negative relations between the Iran and the Gulf Arabic neighbors made its diplomatic situations are more isolated, as well as influenced the development of the domestic economy and political stability; on the other hand, it also made the resolution of the Iran nuclear crisis become more difficult.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iran, Nuclear Crisis, Gulf States, Relationship
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