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China’s Foreign Aid Policy: Past, Present And Future

Posted on:2013-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K D W S MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330392458568Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study explores the characteristics of international foreign aid norms andChina’s foreign aid policies relative to them with some emphasis on its deployment ofaid in Southeast Asia. The study analyzes four key areas: the characteristics ofinternational norms in foreign aid; China’s motivations for aid and its mediums ofdeployment; possible reasons for the international attention that China is receivingabout its foreign aid policies; and possible future options for policy makers.The research suggests that the present international foreign aid system serves asrepresentation of an amalgamation of many states’ policy trends that evolve over timebased on influencing ideologies and experiences. The study supports the propositionthat at the macro-level neither China’s motivations for giving aid nor its mediums ofdeployment are significantly different than traditional donors. Additionally, despite thesimilarities in motivations, the paper explores reasons why China’s programs might bereceiving a disproportionate level of attention, positively and negatively.The paper suggests at least three options for policy makers: to continue with thestatus quo and accept the attention as it comes; harmonize and alter its policies andstrategies over time appeasing critics little by little; or develop and promote an entirelynew construct describing its aid strategies. China’s motivations that support its policiesare clearly economic and strategically related, based on China’s own statements and byevidence presented in this paper. Yet at the same time, there’s an underlying socialintent that supports those efforts.This paper suggests viewing China’s aid efforts as commercial activities with anunderlying social purpose best represented by the modern understanding of the termsocial entrepreneur. This paper does not intend to validate a state’s action or behaviorversus another rather to provide another lens to view such actions. The study hopefullyprovides a conceptual framework that can help continue the conversation about the aidstrategies and motivations of emerging donors like China.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Development Assistance, Foreign Aid, SocialEntrepreneurship, Motivations
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