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Company Type Of Private Equity Investment Fund Legal Issues Research In China

Posted on:2013-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H D ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395453065Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Private equity funds is already an important force in the global financial investment market, especially its development is also on the rise in capital market. Continuous improvement of China’s Multi-level capital market has brought an unprecedented opportunity for private equity fund’s development. However, some of the legal issues in face of the development of China’s private equity funds need to be solved urgently.In view of this, The author selected The company type private equity funds which is the most common form of organization of private equity funds in our country as the research object, to analysis of a variety of advantages and disadvantages that china’s private equity fund’s development has faced and puts forward some ideas based on these. This paper is divided into four parts, roughly content as follows:The first chapter is the present of company type of private equity funds. First, Starting from the concept of private equity funds, characteristics, and then analyzes the relationship of private equity fund and the relevant legal concepts. Then, analyzed the development of private equity funds briefly on the basis of introduced three main form of organization of private equity funds. The second chapter’s content is the promoting function of mainly related legal system from each link on the establishment, operation, the withdrawal for the company private equity funds. The third chapter stated the possible problems appeared in the set up and record government, investment operation, and the process of exit of company private equity funds, then Analyzes the record management, investment information disclosure, preferential tax implement, market exit mechanism in legal trouble. The last chapter, in view of there is room for improvement some of the problems of the relevant legal provisions and the practice of company private equity fund, the author put forward some opinions, in hopes of have profit to help the development of company private equity funds of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private Equity Funds, Company style, Record ManagementExit, Mechanism
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