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Research On The Antimonopoly Law Of Outside Territory

Posted on:2014-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K DuFull Text:PDF
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Along with the evolution of economic globalization and the gradual formation of theenormous international market,With the globalization of the world economy, especiallyinvestment liberalization process accelerated, unified market worldwide is gradually formed,and the increasing number of transnational monopoly behavior adversely affect the internaldevelopment of the country’s economy. But now due to the lack of relevant internationalregulations and international institutions, the lack of effective regulation of suchextraterritorial monopolistic behavior, most countries for the protection of the healthy andorderly development of the national economy, its extraterritorial application of antitrust law toeffectively prevent cross-border monopolistic behavior, most developed countries and regions,the anti-monopoly law established a system of monopoly Law, the system of extraterritorialapplication of the antitrust laws of the United States and the European Union to develop notonly opened earlier, most perfect development, but faces the same conflict monopoly Law anddifficulties.Article II of the enactment of the "anti-monopoly law" extraterritorial application system,however, the specific application of the system and the rules have not yet established, so weneed a conflict that may arise for the monopoly Law and its coordination and principlesapplicableissues. In this paper, the basic theoretical level, the antitrust laws apply to study andlearn from the practical experience of the extraterritorial application of foreign antitrustanalysis and comparison, to find our current lack of antitrust legal regime applicable to at, andthen, according to China’s national conditions and international legislative trends, to putforward their views and suggestions for the development of the system and providesuggestions to improve China’s anti-monopoly law extraterritorial application system.The full text of each part of the main contents are as follows: The first chapter gives anoverview of the antitrust laws apply extraterritorially., Respectively, for the definition andnature of the antitrust laws apply extraterritorially, monopoly Law of the legal basis for thediscussion. The second chapter describes the legislation and practice of monopoly Law of theFederation, the European Union and other countries and regions. Exposition of these countries and regions have adopted different principles and implementation effect, combined with thespecific case analysis to compare the current system monopoly Law classified. The thirdchapter is concerned with the antitrust laws with extraterritorial application conflicts andcoordination mechanisms. Essentially level to explore the causes of conflicts monopoly Law,and discusses the current coordination of the international community to resolve mechanism.Chapter Antimonopoly Law existing provisions, flawed and complements. First, a briefintroduction of antitrust laws extraterritorial application of the situation and looking forwardto the prospects of the extraterritorial application of the system, and make recommendationsto improve the inadequacies of China’s anti-monopoly law extraterritorial application system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-monopoly Law, Extraterritorial Application, Fundamental Principle, Coordination of conflict
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