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The Research Of Children’s Dance Sport’s Current Development Situation And Countermeasures In Shan’xi Province

Posted on:2012-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330362453179Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this study, many research methods are adopted, such as the method of reading the literature, the method of questionnaire surveys, the method of mathematical statistics, the method of expert interviews and the method of system analysis. To find out the current situation, advantages and deficiency of the development of Shaanxi Province’s Children’s Dance Sport, the study investigated and analyzed the current situation of the development of Shaanxi Province’s Children’s Dance Sport from many aspects, such as Children’s Dance Sport teachers, athletes, referees, contests and management organizations. The aim is to propose corresponding suggestions and countermeasures, and to provide some valuable references for the development and research in the future. The findings are:First:In recent ten years, the project of Shaanxi Province’s Children’s Dance Sport has been started and popularized in the whole province, but the gender imbalance has occurred in the aspect of athletes; the tendency that be small at both ends and big in the middle has appeared in group division; fixing the kind of dance too early; the unbalanced distribution in cities; a great disparity in the number of people; the development condition is bad in the small cities or the cities at low level of economic development, what’s worse, some cities have not started any Sport Dance projects by far.Second:The whole province hasn’t had a united teaching outline and rank evaluation system for Children’s Dance Sport yet. The teaching of Sport Dance isn’t standardized. The contents and structure are not complete, and the class arrangements are unreasonable.Third:It’s a common phenomenon that Children’s Dance Sport athletes attach little importance to the study of literacy course, so the athletes’prospect is worrying. Besides, the athletes who attend amateur training class are difficult to get good grades.Fourth:Different levels of Children’s Dance Sport teachers are intermingled now. The training system is imperfect, high-level teachers and internationally recognized teachers are in the minority. And the distribution is unbalanced. What’s more, to some extent, Children’s Dance Sport’s scientific researches lag.Fifth:At present, overall contest level of Children’s Dance Sport in Shaanxi Province is comparatively low. So far, there hasn’t been detailed, standardized rating system for referees. The items of Children’s Dance Sport don’t have perfect, detailed, standardized and united rating rules and rating methods. High-level referees are in the minority. The referees take part in only a few training courses. The age structure of the referees is inappropriate. With regard to these problems, I suggest:First:we should enlarge the publicity of Children’s Dance Sport, adjust the training time and content of the players, enhance their civilized quality and standardize the management of them.Second:we must improve Children’s Dance Sport teachers’ civilized quality by participating in the communication among the teachers outside the province as much as possible. And we should standardize the management of the teachers and try our best to cultivate young Dance Sport teachers. Besides, we should try to establish reasonable structural knowledge system of Children’s Dance Sport.Third:we should enhance impartiality and accuracy of the referee and establish effective laws which possess clarity as soon as possible. And standardize the management of the team of Dance Sport referees and attach importance to the development of young referees.Fourth:we should pay much attention to cultivate Dance Sport reserved talents and organize national even International Dance Sport contests. And attach importance to the overall development of the players when training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shaanxi Province, Children’s Dance Sport, Current Situation, Countermeasures
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