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The Action Research Of Integration Between Information Technology And Senior High School Mathematics Curriculum

Posted on:2013-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374997234Subject:Modern educational technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with entering the information society, integration of information technology and mathematics curriculum has become an inevitable trend,"the ordinary high school math curriculum standard" also stressed the integration of IT and mathematics curriculum. This paper focus on the effective implementation of integration in the teaching practice for improving the efficiency of mathematics teaching, uses the literature reading teaching, action research method and case study method and bases on home and abroad research results and on the basis of teaching practice,Through literature reading and study on integration of information technology and high school mathematics curriculum in the middle school and the surrounding high school, the author found that integration of information technology and high school mathematics curriculum can effectively improve teaching efficiency, promote students’ learning, but the actual implementation of integration is not ideal and there are some problems because of the educational system, infrastructure, teachers’ personal problems and other factors. In the light of the integration of the current situation and existing problems, the author put forward some countermeasures:to grasp the correct educational ideas, strengthen infrastructure construction and the improvement of teachers’ personal status, to improve teachers’ personal qualities. Refinement to the teachers, the fundamental countermeasures is getting the integration of information technology and high school mathematics curriculum fulfil seriously in the classroom teaching, then really improve the teaching efficiency. The author combines the local actual situation and sets out from the content of high school mathematics, choose three application integration model, which will be applied to three representative cases, through detailed analysis, careful planning and action teachers can promote the implementation of information technology and mathematics, with the help of observation and reflection of each class,find the effect and insufficient and continue to improve, teachers can improve the teaching effect step by step, and finally achieve effective integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:information technology, mathematics curriculum, integration, lesson ofintegration
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