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The Application Of Multimedia Technology Teaching In High School

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XuFull Text:PDF
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At present, as the multimedia technology assisted teaching becoming an importantform of classroom teaching, the advantages of multimedia technology in teachingmakes more and more scholars and experts start to research the problem in this area.But now the research on multimedia and teaching are mainly embodied in theteaching field of general issues, on the field of mathematics, especially to research aspecific mathematics section is less. The new curriculum poses new requirements onhigh school statistics, now there is not any research on multimedia technology in highschool mathematics teaching of statistics. Facing so many problems in the teaching ofmultimedia, the author is also thinking about the application of multimediatechnology in high school statistics. How is the status quo of multimedia assistedteaching in the teaching of high school statistics? What are the problems? Whatstrategies should be taken to make multimedia technology assisted teaching in highschool statistics teaching achieve better? With these questions, the author made thefollowing related research based on previous research.Through the investigation and the interview questionnaire a number ofmathematics teachers of the mountain division attached middle school and Jinanmiddle school, the author concludes the present situation, the application ofmultimedia technology in high school in the teaching of statistics problems and thecauses of the problems, and puts forward new basic requirements and specificmethods of the multimedia technology in teaching statistics in high school.Finally the author makes a summary of the problems, mainly reflecting in thefollowing aspects:(1) the enthusiasm of teachers who teach high school statisticscontent is not high;(2) the design of courseware is not specific;(3) teachers did notseek an appropriate method to present data;(4) the lack of creating real scenes;(5) toofast into multimedia;(6) new knowledge was not combined with the original content;(7) teachers rejection of the application of the new software;(8) teachers did not letstudents discuss how to describe the relationship between the variables in the class;(9)teachers reflect for the entire data processing process;(10) teachers design less practice activities;(11) teachers did not highlight students main body status to ahigher degree;(12) teachers lack the knowledge of TPACK. The author gave eachquestion a specific reason, and finally summarized them. Following is the mainreasons: the emphasis of high school statistics is to cultivate students ability to dealwith data, but it is not reflected in the marks; teachers incorrect cognition andemphasis on multimedia assisted high school teaching of statistics is not enough; theteachers teaching ability as well as the application of new high school statisticsteaching software ability is not enough; teachers did not implement studentsparticipation, who have the order reversed and let multimedia prevailed.The following is the basic requirements:(1) the macro grasp the characteristics ofhigh school statistics, the real increase students participation in the basic requirementsof practice;(2) data collection high school statistics teachers and students before class,try the basic requirements of collective courseware;(3) hold the introduction ofmultimedia speed class, writing on the blackboard and multimedia. Combined, letstudents to understand the basic requirements of high school learning knowledge ofstatistical significance;(4) using open function of multimedia, pay attention to thecultivation of the basic requirements for students to solve encountered in life abouthigh school statistics ability;(5) the class to an increased emphasis on high schoolstatistics, strengthen the understanding of TPACK and basic requirements thescientific and reasonable evaluation of multimedia in the high school in the teachingof statistics effect.The improved teaching methods are:(1) using suitable high school statistics ofmultimedia courseware, will use a specific courseware;(2) the design more examplesof scenes in multimedia courseware, do the scene and combining data;(3) in thecourseware as much as possible present statistical case much, lets the student realizedata processing methods;(4) the model simulation and multimedia processingcombined statistics;(5) the statistical knowledge learned in junior school through tohigh school statistics content;(6) to design courseware by using statistical softwarefor teaching in high school new, reduce the drawbacks of the old teaching software;(7)for comparison of various statistical figure, rather than a simple characterization of single chart.Under the support of these theories, the author still carried out contrast experiment.She explained the simple random sampling and the relationship between the variablesof two sections in the experimental class with the basic requirements and the newteaching methods. On the other hand, she taught the same content in the other classwith the traditional multimedia technology. Through comparing students marks,attitude and ability in the experimental process, the author verified the correctness ofthe basic requirements in chapter four and specific teaching method.
Keywords/Search Tags:multimedia technology, high school statistics, teaching principles, teaching strategies
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