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The Design And Application Of Embedded Industrial Control Board SD-K60with Componentization And Scalability

Posted on:2013-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371493931Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, indusrial control compuers have emerged from the growing industrialautomation demand, especially in the key tasks in some key industries. In order to meet thedevelopment needs, the ARM (i.e. AdvancedRISC Machine) Holdings, as a major supplierof the microprocessor, specially launched the ARM Cortex-M series microprocessoraccording to industrial control field, which provides optimization for low powerconsumption at a low price. And in2009, the ARM Holdings launched the latest M seriesprocessor named ARM Cortex-M4. In November of2010, Freescale Semiconductor Co.,LTD lauched Industrial Kinets K60series micro controller, which is the first microcontroller based on the ARM Cortex-M4kernel and hasn’t yet enter batch production.Being entrusted by Freescale, we design and implement a component-based and cuttableembedded industrial control circuit board named SD-K60, in order to providesample,component drivers for the application of Kinetis K60series chip industrial controlareas.In the hardware design, we adopt the component-based, cuttable and doing subtractiondesign thought way. We employ industrial micro controller Kinets K60series chip from theFreescale Semiconductor Co., LTD as the main controller. The industrial control board hasrich peripheral interfaces. The users can choose hardware interface according to their ownneeds, and can remove some unnecessary interfaces, to reduce costs. In the design ofperipheral interface circuit, we fully consider all kinds of adverse factors which may bemet in the site, using all sorts of devices to do circuit protection work, and improve theanti-jamming ability.In the software design, we adopt component-based, modular and doing addition designthought way. To make the usability and reliability of unity, we provide a complete set of driver repositories. In order to improve the flexibility of software, we also employ theembedded real-time operating system named MQX, and we present a multilevel feedbackqueue scheduling algorithm which improves its scheduling strategy greatly. In addition, inorder to make the component with operation system and without operation system workwell together, we improve the MQX’s device driver structure, divided into logical driverlayer and hardware driver layer.Finally, we demonstrate the comprehensive effectiveness of the SD-K60by appling itinto one of the2011National Science and Technology Major Projects named "waterenvironment monitoring and testing platform". Long-term operation shows that theindustrial control board performance is stable and reliable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial PC, ARM Cortex-M4, MQX, Repositories, Componentization
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