The main task of path planning is finding the best path from the starting point to the endingpoint in the robot’s environment. The stand or fall of path planning can directly affect the efficiencyof the robot’s task. Recently, path planning is one of the important problems in the research of robotand it is also an important aspect in researching artificial intelligence.This thesis mainly makes a study according to the following aspects:First of all, analyzing and concluding the mainly problems needed to be solved in pathplanning of robot and some often used methods in recent path planning. This paper majorlyresearches and analyses artificial potential field method. According to the simulation experiment ofthe traditional artificial potential field method in dynamic environment, traditional artificialpotential field method is lack of consideration in relative speed between the robot and obstacles.Therefore, traditional artificial potential field method has some limitations in dynamic environment.At the second place, according to the above existing disadvantages in traditional dynamicenvironment, this paper proposes an artificial potential field method based on relative speed. In thisalgorithm, the repulsive force to the robot is not only related to the distance between the robot andobstacles but also the robot’s speed related to the obstacles. So robot can make the judgmentthrough the obstacle’s relative speed to regulate the repulsive force on robots in the size anddirection. The improved algorithm can make robot has good effect of hide in dynamic environment.At the third place, according to the situation that robot can’t get the target position owing to theobstacle is near by the target, this paper proposes the adjustment mechanism of repulsion force onthe basis of the relative position between obstacle and target. This method can regulate the size ofrepulsion on robot through the relative position of the obstacle nearby target and the target, so wecan solve the problem that robot can’t get the target position due to obstacles are near by the targetposition. According to the local minimum value problems existing in the artificial potential fieldmethod, this paper solves it through adding a outside force that is good for the robot’s path planning.This outside force can not only make the robot get away from the local minimum value but also cankeep the effect of the robot’s good path planning.At last, on the basis of detailed research of RoboCup, apply the improved algorithm integratein the football robot game. Through proving the algorithm applying in the single robot by1VS2and the escaping ability of the single robot improves significantly. Through the longitudinal comparisonbetween the same teams that one uses the algorithm but the other not, testing that the algorithm canimprove the rate of ball control effectively. |