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Researcj Amd Desogm Of An Intelligent Controller Based On The Microcontroller

Posted on:2013-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395956934Subject:Power electronics and electric drive
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Intelligent control technology is a new development in high-tech disciplinesand an integral part of modern control technology, which can make it easily forpeople to control the objects. Therefore, design of an intelligent controller forindustrial field is necessary.In this thesis, firstly the requirement analysis for the intelligent controller forindustrial field is made, common solutions for design of intelligent controller arepresented and on the basis, the microcontroller technology is chosen as a solutionto the intelligent controller. Secondly a detailed design of intelligent controllersfrom hardware to software is made. The hardware design mainly includes thebasic system of microcontroller, the power circuit, the serial communicationinterface and analog and digital control channel, and the software design includesthe system main program, the intelligent control algorithm and the program ofserial communication with PC.In the actual control system, the controlled objects often have the feature ofuncertainty and complexity, so it is difficult to build an accurate mathematicalmodel for them. Therefore, an adaptive fuzzy PID control method is given and asimulation for this control method using the tool of MATLAB/Simulink is made.Finally, the conclusion that this control method can reduce overshoot, improvespeed and shorten adjustment time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intelligent Control, Microcontroller, Adaptive Fuzzy PID
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