Along with the technology and technology into productive forces, a new generation applianceproducts were brought into market and into the home faster and faster. The out of scrappedhousehold appliances which went into the households in the late 1980s have entered the peak period.While both the urban and rural residents updated appliances also greatly increase the frequency.Therefore, how to recycle the waste home appliances scientificiy and effectivly has become a majorsocial problem.And the reasch on the determinants’behavioral intentions towards the recycling ofWaste and Used Household Appliances becomes especially important.This research was completed on the basis of the residents questionnaire survey in part ofZhejiang Province. This study draws on Talor and Todd’s family life waste reduction theory ofplanned behavior model of the concept of structure, combined with previous studies and expertinterviews, three factors—the code of ethics, policy intentions and competition behavioralintentions were brought into the theoretical model of behavior of the residents home appliancerecycling factor analysis.Then by the use of structural equation modeling, the model parameterestimation and model updating was did with AMOS16.0 software. Then through the hierarchicalregression analysis verified the recovery behavior of the past experience, attitudes and behavioralintentions of waste home appliances recycling and recovery behavior relationships. Finally,Oneway ANOVA of variance and correlation analysis was done to explore the different propertiesof the residents behavioral intention of recovery and recycling behavior differences and so on.The results show that,(1) the model of residents recycling home appliance in the revisedmodel’s overall goodness of fit well and gives a good explanation; (2) recycling of waste appliancesbehavioral intention has positive correlation with the behavioral implementations and thecompetitive behavior intention of recycling behavior was significant negative effects with thebehavioral implementations; attitude, perceived behavioral control, moral intention of recyclingbehavior were significantly positive effect the behavioral implementations; subjective normsthrough attitude of the recovery had a significant impact on behavioral intentions; (3) the recoveryof past experience in recycling behavior have a significant impact on behavioral intentions throughattitude. The results can provide reference for the government and relevant departments toformulate appropriate policies and provide some help for enterprises to establish a managementsystem of waste home appliances recycling in minimizing the cost while increasing the recoveryrate of waste home appliances.Combined with the findings made the following policy recommendations: (1) to establish convenient recycling channels, such as the establishment of community-based recycling and so on;(2) to strengthen the publicity and education, enhance residents’ awareness of waste homeappliances recycling, such as strengthening school education; (3) strict legislation and strengthensupervision. Mainly to strengthen the process of scavengers and non-formal business management,waste recycling home appliances into the formal channels; (4) to strengthen market regulation.Recycling of waste appliances work ultimately can not rely solely on government policy, tradepolicy is only a temporary move, only the implementation of market-oriented and establishmanufacturing, sales, recycling, treatment of industrial chain, in order to really solve the wastehome appliances recycling the problem. |