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Under The Background Of This "Small Epoch" Independent Animated Short Film Creative Thinking The Short Cartoon Film《warm》

Posted on:2014-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425962481Subject:Art and Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of this “small epoch", the street beggars are likely to be an artyperson. The independent animated short film rises from the Internet and individual creativity,but it emphasizes more on the presence of individuals and differences rather than beinglimited to the traditional sense. In the chaotic state of this art creating environment, creativethinking is of more significanace, and imagination needs to go beyond science, but creativeinspiration needs more rational addition. The movie "Prometheus", which demonstrats asubversive creation on the origin of human beings, claims that humans are not evolved fromanimals, but created by human ancestors. If the origin of human beings can be subverted, theorigin of other organisms can also be beyond the imagination of the scientific theory.The short cartoon film "warm" is talking about the Creator God, who is a charmingcake maker living in a beautiful palace. All the cakes he made have become small lovelyanimals. However, an accident happened when he was baking the last dog. Because of lack oftime, the dog missed a leg. Perfection is limited, but love is unlimited. Only if people acceptimperfection, that can they get a perfect life. Although with a defect, the little dog got morecaring from the other healthy animals. Warm retains in the caring.The animation can exhibit special artistic creation that the other techniques can notachieved, as the infinity of imagination can be realized through the fusion of atwo-dimensional animation technique. Furthermore, the design of three-dimensionalanimation is for more incisive and vivid geometry cartoon character. The scientificemployment of color analysis demonstrates creative ideas through better visual design.Thus,the duration of this animation is within five minutes,which makes it easily understood as theaudience will not be fatige. Through the initial design to final perfection, creative thinking hasbeen in constant designed, subverted then rebuilt, no matter for the characters or scenes, inorder to accurately reflect the warm temperature by visual show. Hopefully, my animationwill bring a bunch of sunshine to the very deep heart of the observers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small epoch, independence animation, two-demensional animation, Addidea creative thinking
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