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The Translated Works Of Xiao Shuo Lin Press And Modernity Of Chinese Fiction

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428473410Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the late Qing Dynasty, owing to the fast development of printing andpublishing business there emerged many nongovernmental publishing houses. AndXiao Shuo Lin Press is such a famous publishing house in the Late Qing Dynasty.Through introducing and translating foreign writers’ works, Xiao Shuo Lin Presssowed the seed of literature “modernity” and accelerated the development process ofChinese fiction. The word “modernity” in this thesis presents as the renovation ofliterature forms and thoughts specifically: writers’ creations not only reflect theinnovation consciousness on the aspects of written language, the literature genre,structure, rhetoric and artistic technique; but also sum up lots of experience andtheories of literary creation.Through detailed examples, from three aspects including characterization,narrative discourse and scene description skills, the first chapter to the third chapterwill investigate the literary relations existed among the original, translation andwriter’s creation in the rewriting and system theory of vision.In the end, the thesis concludes that through translating a great quantity offoreign fictions, Xiao Shuo Lin Press introduced the features that constitute theelements of modern fictions. As for foreign works, Chinese translators and fictionistsexperienced the process from acceptance, imitation to independent creation.Translated works functioned as a medium between the original and translator,translation and writers, which helped to spread new literature forms and new thoughts.These positive impacts speeded up the process from tradition to modernity of Chineseliterature and culture. This thesis hopes to make some contribution on several aspects:Firstly, through studying on the translated works of Xiao Shuo Lin Press, this thesishopes to fill the blank of domestic research on the translated fictions of publishinghouses in the Late Qing Dynasty; Secondly, through the study on modernity, thisthesis hopes to explain the development process of Chinese literature and fictions inanother point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiao Shuo Lin Press, Chinese fiction, translated woks, modernity, impact
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