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Research On The Compensation System Of Tort Of The Pure Economic Loss

Posted on:2014-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401454258Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pure economic loss is a familiar legal concept in the anglo-american and european countries,and the pure economic loss problem is also one of the most widely discussed in legal areas of these countries. The pure economic loss is economic loss which is not caused by personal or property damage. Countries often discuss the pure economic loss in tort law. For pure economic loss, extraterritorial law countries has undergone the process that no compensation,except compensation and the choice of compensation.Some loss is not appeared on behalf of the pure economic loss in judicial practice of china,but the content is pure economic loss. The research on pure economic loss is later in china,and it is not formed a perfect mechanism for pure economic loss yet. Based on this situation,after the comparative study among the United Kingdom,American,Germany and France tort law,this article claim that the pure economic loss in china should not be ruled out completely,but should adopt the position of selective compensation. With the promulgation of the Tort Liability Act,this article is trying to find the claim in tort law for pure economic loss,is trying to explain the civil rights and interests in tort law,and is trying to evaluate the tort law’s legislation for the pure economic loss. Finally,This article claims that our country should perfeet the compensation for pure economic loss by types of norms and tort factor,besides the general terms tort liability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pure economic loss, Handling mode, Tort liability, Types of norms
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