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On The Transformation Of Government’s Cultural Administration Functions Under The Perspective Of Cultural System Reform

Posted on:2013-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W C ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401951292Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important part of government reform, the cultural system reform received muchof attention form our party and government in recent years. The Chinese PublicAdministration Society also made it clear that we should take the cultural system reform asa main research content of the key fields and departments management in “The12thFive-Year Plan”, and it also stressed that the administration should pay special attention tothis important issue. Thus, it has a certain theoretical and practical significance to make acomprehensive analysis of the transformation of government cultural administrativefunctions, which around the subject of the cultural administrative reform and closelyintegrated administrative management theories under the perspective of cultural systemreform.The article mainly from three aspects to discuss the core topic of the transformation ofgovernment’s cultural administrative functions: In the first place, interpret the relevanttheory of the cultural system reform and the transformation of government’s culturaladministrative functions. This part mainly analyzes the connotation, course, currentsituation of cultural system reform and the connotation, status, composition of governmentculture administrative functions, especially analyzes the relationship between them. In thenext place, analyze the basic situation about the transformation of government’s culturaladministrative functions under the perspective of cultural system reform. This part mainlydiscusses three problems including achievements, existing problems, the reason ofsuffocate of the government functional transformation of culture administrative, in which,on the achievements from the function transformation theory environment, fundamentaldirection, pilot job three respects analysis, on the existing problems from the system of thefunctions, scope of the functions and mode of the functions three respects analysis, on thecause of blocked from the reform of concept, organization, system security three respectsanalysis. In order to lay the foundation for the proposed the related countermeasure andreference,this part is an important part which it raises and analyzes the problems in thisarticle, so it strives to accurately and comprehensive summary and analyze government’sfunctional transformation of cultural administration problems and causes. At last,discussion on the basic countermeasures of transformation of government’s culturaladministrative functions which under the perspective of cultural system reform. This is thecore part of the article, mainly put forward some specific countermeasures in four aspectsincluding the experience reference, renewal of ideas, mode innovation and supporting reforms about the transformation of government cultural administrative functions. Andamong them, the experience reference mainly analyzes American, French, British, Japanand South Korea’s cultural administration mode on characteristics and advantages, thenfrom three levels to summarize the inspiration to China’s transformation of governmentcultural administrative functions from the concept of administrative culture, theorganization of administrative culture and the legislation of administrative culture.Updating the concept focuses on the theoretical guiding significance about transformationof government cultural administrative functions from cultural innovation strategic concept,public cultural service concept and the government macroeconomic regulation and controlconcept. Mode innovation mainly analyze the specific measures about transformation ofgovernment cultural administrative functions in detail, which from three aspects includingthe transfer of the functions of the center of gravity, the rationalization of the functionalrelationships and the improvement of the functional means. Supporting reform speciallyanalyze some relevant security measures about transformation of government culturaladministrative functions from three aspects, which including the legislation and lawEnforcement, personnel reform and personnel training, financial investment and financingplatform of cultural administration.As a core concept in the article, the cultural administrative function is defined mainlywith reference to the definition of the administrative functions and to be defined as: thecultural administrative function is to enjoy the power or authority of the culturaladministrative organizations to the management of cultural affairs and guide thedevelopment of cultural industries, the responsibilities and the functions in the field ofculture, and reflect the scope, content, process and methods of cultural administrativeactivities.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural system reform, cultural administration, cultural administrative function, functions of the transition
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