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Study On The Cohesion Of The Chinese Nation To Enhance Ethnic Frontier Regions

Posted on:2014-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330422458130Subject:Marxism Ethnic Theory and Policy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is a discussion of the cohesion of the Chinese nation, the cohesion ofthe Chinese nation, content analysis of negative factors, the cohesion of the Chinesenation and the influence of border area, and puts forward suggestions. Besides theintroduction and conclusion, a total of three parts.The first part discusses the concept, the cohesion of the Chinese nation, thecontents of main factors influencing the cohesion of the Chinese nation and theimportance of strengthen the cohesion of the Chinese nation. In the article," thecohesion of the Chinese nation " refers to " the Chinese nation " the object of eachnation’s cohesion, the national centripetal force and the affinity between the unifiedexpression. Comprehensive strength to enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nationcan promote our country, strengthen the cohesion of the Chinese nation is the urgentrequirement of China’s reform and opening up, enhance the cohesion of the Chinesenation is to consolidate national unity, to achieve the national common prosperity anddevelopment of the strong link, strengthen the cohesion of the Chinese nation is topromote social stability and the prerequisite of the long period of stability.Analysis of second part of the main negative factors to the cohesion of theChinese nation the frontier region.First of all, the imbalance of the regional economicdevelopment in ethnic estrangement deepened, economic development imbalancearea, easy to cause misunderstanding among the various groups and conflict, affectsocial stability; secondly, the "three forces " on the cohesion of the Chinese nation ’sgreat damage, in recent years, in the Xinjiang region of frequent sabotage ethnicseparatist forces., seriously endanger people’s lives and property and the security ofthe country, in a fairly long period of time, harm they still exist and can not beignored; finally, the enhancement of national consciousness can also cause otherethnic problems.The third part is on the basis of the above, the suggestions put forward toenhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation border area.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Chinese nation, Cohesion, Status, Countermeasures
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