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The Army Rear Equipment Warehouse Logistics Capability Evaluation Research

Posted on:2014-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425465466Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Behind the army equipment warehouse is equipment supplies store supply base, andequipment material army reinforcements trade tasks, is one of the important depending onthe army to accomplish a diverse array of military tasks. Military rear warehouse is a by thepeople and logistics equipment, facilities, tools and information system of logistics, logisticsmanagers and staff to use tangible equipment, tools, and the intangible ideas, methodsapplied to object to a series of logistics activities. Military rear warehouse logistics capabilityrefers to the statistical demand information, data analysis, processing, integration, outbound,cargo transport to the throughout the process, they are delivered to the logistics system inreaction speed, logistics costs, the comprehensive reflection of data accuracy, timeliness, etc.Research behind the army equipment warehouse logistics capability of related issues, reformand construction of the warehouse, to realize logistics power "across different levels ofsupport, the guarantee of the cross-regional, military use" has very important significance. Inthis paper the army rear warehouse equipment as the research object, mainly studies thearmy rear equipment warehouse logistics capability of definition, characteristics, relatedfactors, elements and evaluation methods.This paper in the new period of all-round construction of modern logistics and under thebackground of modern military logistics system, this paper expounds the study significanceof military rear warehouse logistics capability. To review the domestic and foreign logisticscapability research, analyses the characteristics of logistics capability, gives the definition oflogistics capability, and logistics capability are classified from different angles. Combinedwith military rear warehouse support capability of generating mode of practice, this paperexpounds the definition of military rear warehouse logistics capability and characteristics,analyzes the related military rear warehouse logistics capability factors and elements,emphatically elaborated the army rear equipment warehouse logistics capability, and tointerpretation of each essential factor ability, affect the ability of the elements of the inputindex is put forward, and in accordance with the established military rear warehouse logisticscapability evaluation index system.Finally, this article from three aspects: logistics capability optimization scheme, through the analysis and comparison, verify the feasibility of evaluation method.
Keywords/Search Tags:The army rear equipment warehouse, Logistics capability, Evaluation, Ability tooptimize
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