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A Study Of The Corporatist Policy-making

Posted on:2013-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425960534Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Corporatist policy-making is a mode of policy-making which was popular in the1970s, in western countries, especially the European capitalist countries. As a kind ofpolicy networks where social organizations get official recognition to participate inpublic policy formulation and implementation. It is much different with the pluralism,squire socialist, nationalism phase k. Emphasis on public interests, consultation andcompromise is some of the basic characteristics of corporatist policy-making. Studieson the corporatist policy-making mainly concentrated in the1980s and early90s. Inthe21st century, the corporatist policy-making again attracted scholars eyes.In this paper, the definition of corporatist policy-making is first introduced, andthen the characteristics, as well as the policy-making process. And by comparing withpluralist policy-making model, further clarifications of corporatist policy-makingwere made. Then, according to the policy network theory, we analyzed the the sevenelements of corporatist policy-making: actor, function, structure, institutionalization,conventions of interaction, distribution of power and strategies of public management.After a comprehensive description, this paper mainly introduces the practice ofcorporatist policy-making from three aspects. One is the history of corporatistpolicy-making development in Europe from1970s, experienced ups and downs; Thesecond is the Italian pension reform as a clue, to analysis the return of corporatistpolicy-making in the90s, and also what changes did the new corporatistpolicy-making model take. The third is a agreement the Spanish government reachedwhit social partners in2011——Social and Economic Agreement for Growth,Employment and Pension Sustainability——as an example, summarizes thecharacteristics of corporatist policy-making outcomes. At the same time, this paperalso made prospects to corporatist policy-making s future development. And we trustthat corporatist policy-making will not be less "corporatist", but will never disappear.
Keywords/Search Tags:neo-corporatism, policy-making, policy network
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