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Establish And Improve The Implementation Of The Relief System

Posted on:2013-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y DengFull Text:PDF
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Civilian implementation of the relief system as the implementation of Procedures to achieve the functions and value of civil protection, civil enforcement system is an integral Part. Establish and improve the implementation of the relief system for a party or other interested parties to provide adequate relief to ways and means, has a special significance. With the Oetober28,2007through the"National People’s congress on Amending<The People Republic of China Civil procedure Acf’decision" and the Septembers,2008, adopted by the Judicial Committee of Supreme People Court of the Supreme<The People Republic of China Civil Procedure Act"Interpretation of Several Issues enforcement procedures,"the implementation of China civil relief system has greater Progress than ever before. However, the implementation of China civil relief system is not perfect, the theory and the judiciary, several provisions of the amendment and the understanding and application of large differences still exist, so theory and practice need to unremitting efforts and exploration industry. This article is based on this implementation of our civil system of relief in order to further improve this system, do something modest. This article consists of four parts components:Part one:introduction, main points out that this thesis research purpose and significance.Part Ⅱ:from the concept, characteristics, components, types, functions and values, basic principles from logical level to clarify the remedy system of civil execution.Part Ⅲ:based on the existing legislation and the relevant provisions of the civil execution remedies system, focus on outside glimpse of civil execution remedies system, respectively, starting from the Faculty of civil law, common law, to study the implementation procedures of the countries concerned, reveal China’s civil execution remedies system should draw on and improvement in place.Part Ⅳ:through three empirical case studies from three different positions in the civil execution procedure of implementing relief application for relief starting implementation case, analysis of China’s civil execution remedies system remains inadequate.Part five:from both entities and programs make perfect views and suggestions on China’s implementation of the system. Part one:introduction, main points out that this thesis research purpose and significance.Part Ⅱ:from the concept, characteristics, components, types, functions and values, basic principles from logical level to clarify the remedy system of civil execution.Part Ⅲ:based on the existing legislation and the relevant provisions of the civil execution remedies system, focus on outside glimpse of civil execution remedies system, respectively, starting from the Faculty of civil law, common law, to study the implementation procedures of the countries concerned, reveal China’s civil execution remedies system should draw on and improvement in place.Part Ⅳ:through three empirical case studies from three different positions in the civil execution procedure of implementing relief application for relief starting implementation case, analysis of China’s civil execution remedies system remains inadequate.Part five:from both entities and programs make perfect views and suggestions on China’s implementation of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil execution relief, Procedures on the implementation, ofthe relief, Entities on the implementation of the relief
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