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Zhongshan City Public Security Bureau Of External Public Relations Research

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425976798Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Strong, national conditions, in a social situation occur profound changes underthe new situation, various social contradictions and social conflicts in China. Thepublic security work and the internal and external public relations, especially therelationship between the is faced with severe challenges. To strengthen theconstruction of the police public relations, is the construction of the harmoniousrelationship between the catalyst. It should be said that the police public relations inimprove the image of the police force, maintain confidence in the force, to seek andstrive for the masses to understand, trust and support to the public security work andenhance the satisfaction of public security work, thus promote the construction ofpolice team and all the work of public security plays a positive role, is the currentpublic security organs to focus on a new exploration and practice of major issue.This article attempts through public relations, the origin of the police publicrelations, domestic and foreign scholars on the study of public relations, clarify themeaning and characteristic of the police external public relations, the current policeproblems of external public relations. Through the research, this paper argues thatthe problems existing in the zhongshan city public security bureau of foreign publicrelations mainly: insufficient understanding of public opinion, lead to work relativelypassive; Scattered resources, lead to work hard to comprehensively carry out; Theinteraction and media lack of initiative and planning leading to poor public relationseffect; Lack of comprehensive system of publicity mechanism so that difficult tograsp the initiative of public opinion. Zhongshan city public security bureau ofexternal public relations problems mainly include: the cause of a few low quality ofthe policeman damage to the image of the police team; Most of the lack of policepublic relations awareness and skills to deal with public crisis; Lack of systemcomprehensive propaganda mechanism, there is no grasp the initiative of publicopinion; The policeman overwhelmed police abuse self-destruction image.Optimization of zhongshan city public security bureau for the construction ofexternal public relations main countermeasures are: strengthen the police about theimportance of the police public relations construction; Establish the police publicrelations agency to improve the quality of the police public relations; Carry outvarious activities to promote understanding and communication between the people;Innovation of management mode for public opinion say; Constantly improve thetransparency of public security work in order to meet the media, the reporter’s rightto know.
Keywords/Search Tags:The government public relation, The police public relations, Publicrelations strategy
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