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A Preliminary Study Of The Eastern Zhou Changzhi Watershed Cemetery

Posted on:2014-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330401462977Subject:Heritage and Museology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studies the of Shanxi Changzhi Western Zhou period watershed cemetery. The entire cemetery is carefully planned, from the the cemetery southwest corner to the northeast corner of the seven large pair tomb from morning till night linear distribution, other tombs was a regular film distribution. Throughout the cemetery to the tombs north of the east to the tombs, followed by South to tombs and West to the tombs at least. The bronze tombs North to. East part of the tombs was two-wire concentrated, the other part was flaky regional distribution.In this paper, in453BC three sub-Jin Spring and Autumn distinction, pointing out that the report in the staging of some of the flaws and try watershed Eastern Zhou cemetery pottery re-typing set, based on pottery types and combinations of the tombs wasstaging dating. Tombs head to the end of the tomb area, depth of burial, funeral, funerary objects placement, the six aspects of in-depth study of the funerary weapons or hooked, statistics and analysis of the watershed of the Eastern Zhou cemetery cemetery, summarizes the cemetery at different times, different head commonalities and differences between the tombs of the tombs reflect the social class structure, as well as the source and composition of the cemetery crowd. Will divide Zhangzi of the Eastern Zhou cemetery and the surrounding Luhe Eastern Zhou cemetery comparison and research.Induction and extraction of the full text from the watershed Eastern Zhou cemetery planning the bronze tombs and pottery burial stage of development, the difference of the burial area, the trend of the burial depth, the main form of burial, funerary objects placed habit, weaponsplaced embodied in social change and social division of labor, hook and bone hairpin embodied social differences of several aspects of the tombs is divided into four grades, and reflect the level of social analysis. Through literature research, analysis of watershed areas in the Eastern Zhou period the question of attribution of administrative and cultural traditions problem. Infer the composition of the population in the watershed areas.On literature research and Tombs:Changzhi watershed area belongs to Jin Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, respectively, Zhao Wei and South Korea South Korea-controlled longest. North burial tomb surnamed populations, heterosexual population of East to the owner of the tombs is a non-surnamed Zhao is likely to include people. To the south and west tombs may be living in the Jin Qin. The watershed area is a relatively closed region, the fight between Zhao Wei Han did not cause too much impact on their funeral customs of ethnic groups living in the region has been very stable, and the continuation of cultural traditions Jin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Watershed, Eastern Zhou cemetery, Installments, Comparison, Research
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