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Application Of Teaching In Display Design Professional Education In The Form Of Composition

Posted on:2014-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425953694Subject:Art and Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Form is a display of curriculum design in the undergraduateeducation. By Hongkong since the seventy’s of last century into thesystem of education in China and design disciplines, the development hasbeen after forty years of educational practice, along with the vigorousdevelopment of China’s Convention and exhibition industry, exhibitiondesign education shows the vitality of hitherto unknown, exhibitiondesign based teaching is becoming more and more standardized, scientific,mature. And the " form " courses through the storm and change over theyears, in order to lead in the first door design course bachelor’s degreestudents in exhibition design curriculum plays an important role in theenlightenment and germination.Although with the development of China’s exhibition industry, makethe display design demand of talents and education of display designshowing a hitherto unknown vitality. However, with the rapid expansionof the scale of exhibition design education, has also brought manyproblems. The supply and demand of the education and the market isincreasingly outstanding, also let originally scarce education resources.Show the fundamental problem of design education and the cultivation oftalents, embodiment of positioning in the unscientific curriculumproblems, resulting in the lack of overall competitiveness of exhibitiondesign education. In this context, discusses how to speed up the displaydesign talent cultivation, and to further explore the display design of "form " the course orientation and implementation mode problems, has theimportant practical significance and theoretical significance. Based on theuniversities in exhibition design curriculum educational model," form " concept of curriculum and education of display design characteristics ofthe analysis, summed up the " form " Curriculum in the displayorientation of the curriculum design and implementation in theundergraduate education.
Keywords/Search Tags:form display, design, education mode
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