Person study orientation has become the most popular research orientation inIdeological and Political Education. Recently, under the push of person studyorientation research of Ideological and poetical education (below abbreviationperson study orientation research), proposes that person study paradigmtransformation of ideological and political education (below abbreviation personstudy paradigm transformation) try to restructure the trunk disciplines, branchdisciplines and the whole element theory of Ideological and political education onthe whole, which make the person study orientation become the most importantresearch orientation of Ideological and political education again. At present, personstudy research orientation of Ideological and political education (below abbreviationperson study research orientation) have got overwhelming support in the theory ofIdeological and political education. Person study research orientation is thetheoretical performance of person study orientation; both belong to one conceptionin theory. However person study orientation research means all the theoretical resultsin research of person study research orientation, in view of only few people raisecriticism about person study research orientation on the whole at present, so, thispaper’s person study orientation positively affirm the theoretical results of personstudy research orientation without any explanation. However this paper commentsthese theoretical results from a critical perspective. However, analysis from both themethodology and the specific content, the problems exposed from the study are notscattered, but systematic, not lesser, but pivotal. In view of the great influence ofperson study orientation research on the theory and practice of Ideological andpolitical education, in the situation of few people raise discussion opinion, carries onthe critique to it becomes particularly urgent and important.This paper first affirmed the rationality of person study orientation research,thinking it’s significance lies in two aspects: it contributes to theory workers ofIdeological and political education for system summary and reflection on Ideologicaland political education. As an exploration to try to get rid if the dilemma ofIdeological and political education is a worthy of recognition, at the same time italso has carried on the beneficial exploration in many aspects. However, from theoverall perspective, person study orientation research is not science, therefore, this paper conduct a comprehensive and systematic criticism on this research frommethodology and specific content. This paper thinks, the existing methodologicalproblems of person study orientation research represents in three aspects: separatepersonal and collative, defense for the individualism; isolate the individual andsociety, study of human in abstract and isolated way; give up the class analysismethod etc. In the concrete content, it exists in four aspects: extreme into pie---raisethe position of person study too high; the biased understanding of the real man; thebiased understanding of traditional Ideological and political education; in the idealistview of history of abstract, empty humanitarian.Besides the criticism of person study orientation itself, this paper also fill theblank of this person study orientation which was the inspiration that Soviet’s personstudy research to our county. This paper thinks, like Khrushchev ti Gorbachov’sreform, the Soviet person study during the development process in thirty yearsgradually deviated from Marxism, which both in theory and practice play a boostingeffect on the disintegration of the Soviet Union. However,person study orientationresearch and Soviet’s person study research show staking similarity in many places,these similarities make the former and latter have a trend of convergence.Experience and lessons of the Soviet Union’s person study research should arouseour highly attention.Based on this, the paper thinks, to Ideological and political education, personstudy paradigm transformation doesn’t mean the new born, but more likely a moreserious crisis. In view of the present situation of person study orientation research,we should not blindly advocate person study paradigm transformation, person studyparadigm transformation should timely brake. |