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"Asia-Pacific Rebalancing" US-China Relations At The Strategic Context

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330392963104Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Central Asia has an important position in international energy landscape, thanksto its abundant oil and gas resources, combined with the special geopolitical strategyvalue. Since the mid-1990s, American has regard the central Asian region as a sourceof energy to reach its diversified strategy goal. The United States took a variety ofsteps to preempt the Central Asia, deeply affected the evolution of the Central Asianenergy landscape.This article analyses the evolution of the Central Asian energy pattern driven bythe United States from its independence in1991. The full text is divided into fivechapters. The first chapter discusses the concept of energy structure, and specificanalyses the important position of the central Asian energy structure in internationalenergy landscape, as well as the reason why American interest in central Asia’senergy.The second and third chapters analyze the evolution of the central Asian energylandscape driven by the United States, which divided into two periods. The secondchapter analyses the first time, that is,2001years ago, the role American play incentral Asia in the evolution of the energy pattern, which can be divided into twostages.1991-1997for the first stage, the American Central Asia strategy is subject toits Russia strategic. Overall strategic concept is vague;1997-2001for the secondphase, the United States launched "central Asia strategy" and interred into thesystematic implementation period. The goal is clear. The third charpter mianlyfocuses on the second period. The U.S. intensify control Central Asia, which energystructure changes great. It can be divided into three stages:2001-2005for the firststage, the United States access to Central Asia entirely;2005-2009as the second stage,the loss of American dominance; and since2009is the third stage, the adjustingstrategy and the "return" in central Asia of America.Chapter IV think the United States adopted a series of measures to preempt thecentral Asia oil and gas resources, and gain a foothold in the competition. The articlemainly expounds from three aspects: control of oil and gas pipelines; strengthen the military deployment of relevant countries in the region; contribute to the developmentits oil company.Conclusion analyzes the gain and loss of U.S. in the evolution of the CentralAsia energy landscape, conclude that the United States actively intervened in centralAsian affairs, quickly broke the original strategic balance of power in the region frompolitical,economic, military and social aspects, which bring new variables to CentralAsia, Russia and China.
Keywords/Search Tags:the United States, Central Asian energy structure, evolution
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