Obama’s administration’s “Rebalancing to Asia-Pacificâ€, officially coming intoplace in November,2011, indicates a major policy orientation shift from Middle Eastto Asia-Pacific and constitutes the most important foreign policy legacy of its firstterm. With Obama taking office again, it is expected that the momentum of“Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific†will further be intensified and the content of it willbecome more balanced and more multi-dimensional.Against the backdrop of concluding Iraq war in2011and fixing the timetable ofwithdrawing us forces from Afghanistan in2014and on the basis of assessing U.S.global strategy and readjusting its global posture to new realities.“Rebalancing toAsia-Pacific†refers to a strategy that the strategic significance of Asia-Pacific ishighlighted in U.S. overall global agenda and U.S. focuses more efforts and moreresources on the arc extending from the Western Pacific and East Asia into the IndianOcean and South Asia in economic, military and diplomatic terms.“Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific†is built upon three pillars: constructing a networkof allies and partnerships across Asia-Pacific; building a regional economicarchitecture by implementing TPP and forging a broad-based military presence inAsia-Pacific. The strategy is characterized by attaching great importance to rules andnorms to create an architecture of rules dominated by U.S. in the wide Asia-Pacificregion.At the regional level, the significant rise of Asia in the global power structurecaused by the power shifting to east determines that “Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific†isby no means an accident, on the contrary, is a deliberate strategy and it is bound tocome into shape. And at the state level, the rapid rise of China in the internationalarena entails “Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific†will continue in the coming years ratherthan derail. In the coming10-30years, whether the democrats are in office orrepublicans take office, the “Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific will only further intensifyrather than subside. |