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Some Issues System Of Rural Land Contract And Management Rights To Inherit

Posted on:2015-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330422473018Subject:Civil law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Right to contracted land management is an important right of farmers, thecirculation of the right to contracted land management is related to the vital interestsof farmers and rural economic development. With the development of rural economy,the circulation of the right to contracted land management are no longer confined tosubcontract, subcontracting, lease and transfer. In practice, there are already emergedsome new ways, for example,mortgages,succession and donation. The right ofsuccession to contracted land management directly affect the legitimate interests offarmers. Although our current law refers to the succession of the right to contractedland management, but the law does not clearly define the details of the right to landcontract management system, also no meticulous system. The issues on the successionof the right to contracted land management either in law or in practice are crucialproblems to be solved.The article focuses on the succession of the right to contracted land management,through analyzing the existing law involving the succession of the right, elaborated onthe meaning and characteristics of the existing law on the succession of the right tocontracted land management, discussed the controversy of the issues on thesuccession of the right to contracted land management raised by the existinglegislation, and gave the positive interpretation, and then presented to build the systemand detailed proposals. The author try to improve the succession of the right tocontracted land management system, future contribute to deepen and promote therural economic development of rural land reform. This paper is divided into five parts:The first part is about the overview of the succession of the right to contractedland management. In this section, the author discusses the concepts and features of thesuccession of the right to contracted land management.The second part is about the implications and characteristics of the current lawon the succession of the right to contracted land management. First, current law citedthe regulations of the succession of the right to contracted land management. Second,explain the meaning and the characteristics. And finally elaborated on the disputestriggered by the current legislation of the succession of the right to contracted landmanagement.The third part is the crucial part of this paper, mainly discusses the meticuloussystem of the succession of right to contracted land management. Firstly, the authorprovide of the interpretation of the succession of right to contracted land management triggered by the existing legislation. Secondly, discusses the body and itscharacteristics of the succession of right to contracted land management. Moreover,discuss the protection of infringementing the right of the married women’s successionof right to contracted land management. Finally, the author give the summary. Thesuccession of right to contracted land management also reflects the willingness offarmers’ emotion.The fourth part is the conclusion. The author points out that building themeticulous system is a great necessity of the succession of right to contracted landmanagement system. The existing law should be carefully constructed to thesuccession of right to contracted land management but not give the clarity. Therefore,the existing law should be clearly defined the meticulous system of the succession ofright to contracted land management in the form of legal provisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Right to contracted land management, Succession of right to contracted landmanagement
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