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Moral Elevation Of University Students:Structure And Function In Prosocial Behavior

Posted on:2014-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425951654Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
the last few years, a positive emotion which people often experience in daily life has been got more and more attention by psychologist. Moral elevation was defined as a positive emotion responded to acts of uncommon goodness. Unique physiological and emotional reaction can be induced, and the individual’s cognitive and behavioral tendency was got effected. At the same time, the desire to close to the others and make prosocial behavior could increase. Moral elevation affected prosocial behavior, moreover, the process was affected by moral cognition and moral identity. Exploring the mechanism of moral elevation for prosocial behavior combined cognition, emotion and trait had high theoretical value and practical significance. Firstly, from a ecology perspective to clarify the role of moral elevation, secondly, the necessary starting point for moral education was provided.The premise exploring the role of moral elevation was to clarify the structure of moral elevation. So two studies were carried combined previous studies. The structure of moral elevation was discussed in study1. On the basis of previous studies and the results of analysis of the interviews, the structure of moral elevation was builded. At the same time, a scale was designed according to the structure. The reliability and structure validity of the scale was examined through the sample1(n=283) and the sample2(n=220). Criterion validity was also tested by Agreeableness scale of the Big Five. The specific role of moral elevation in prosocial behavior was discussed in study2. The mechanism of moral elevation for prosocial behavior was raised systematically. Specifically, moral elevation mediated the the process of moral judgment affected prosocial behavior, meanwhile, moral identity moderated the process. The mechanism of moral elevation for prosocial behavior was analyzed and build through the sample3(n=328). The main results were described as follows: Firstly, moral elevation had stable psychological structure.(1) The psychological structure of moral elevation included four factors with the names:emotion and outpouring, cognition for own, cognition for others, behavior intention.(2) The reliability and validity of self-made moral elevation scale for university students was very good. The coefficient of internal consistency of four sub-scales and the total scale was from0.71to0.93. Correlation analysis of the factors was analyzed. The results showed that the correlation of the four factors was from0.57to0.72, moreover, the correlation between the four factors and total scale was from0.76to0.91. At the same time, a significant positive correlation was found between moral elevation and agreeableness in The Big Five.Secondly, the mechanism of moral elevation for prosocial behavior was conformed to the model of moderated mediation.(1) The relations between moral elevation, moral judgment, moral identity and prosocial behavior were significant.(2) The mechanism of moral elevation for prosocial behavior is a model of moderated mediator. In particular, moral elevation has a mediator effect on the relation between moral judgment and prosocial behavior. Meanwhile, moral identity has a moderation effect on the relation between moral elevation and prosocial behavior.Based on the finding, moral cognition and moral emotion and moral trait had different effects for prosocial behavior. Moral cognition could drive prosocial behavior, thus, the able of moral judgment would be improved consciously. Meanwhile, students’ moral emotional experience and identity of correct moral values could be focused, thus further improve the diathesis of students.
Keywords/Search Tags:graduate students, moral elevation, prosocial behavior
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