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Design And Implementation Of"Modern Educational Technology"Experimental Teaching Based On TPACK

Posted on:2015-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428468292Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"National medium and long-term educational reform and development program (2010-2020)" points out that we need to raise teachers’level in the application of information technology, renew teaching concepts and improve teaching methods, and improve teaching effectiveness. For normal universities, what need to be investigated and solved in desperate need is the cultivation of students’ concept of modern education technology, and the improvement of informationized teaching. Instruction of "Modern Educational Technology" is the main way to train student teachers’ educational technology capacity. As a major part of this course, experimental class plays an important role in exercising skills, practicing the teaching theory and improving practical ability. However, many problems exist in experimental teaching currently. Especially, the phenomenon of disconnection of theory and practice, separation of technology and teaching is strikingly common. As the reform of education advancing exquisitely, how to improve the informationized teaching ability of teachers effectively has attracted widespread discussion in academic circles. In this case, the integration of technological knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge is of special concern in abroad. TPACK emphasizes the integration and dynamic development of technical knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, which represents the development direction of those ideas. If TPACK can be used to guide educational theories of teacher-training and curriculum development, it will provide good new ideas for the study of improving the informationized teaching ability of teachers.From the perspective of technology integration, TPACK provides insight into experimental teaching reform of "Modern Educational Technology". The article elaborates on the experiment course in the horizon of TPCAK, introduces the idea of "technology mapping" and launches an in-depth discussion on experimental teaching design based on TPACK. The study is deeply analyzed and demonstrated through empirical research. At last, the article puts forward some practical instructional strategies, hoping to provide reference for experimental teaching reform.Based on the idea above, this research unfolds in six chapters:Chapter One is Introduction, which is the presentation about background, research actuality, significance, idea and method of this research.Chapter Two is theoretical foundation. This part elaborates TPACK framework and ICT-TPACK model theoretically, then interprets course object and property of "Modern Educational Technology" under TPACK horizon, and proposes the instructional design model based on technology mapping at last.Chapter Three is design and implementation of the research. This part gives an overview about the experiment carried out in this study, describes design thought about the study guide and questionnaire, and finally illustrates implementation process of the experiment.Chapter Four is experimental results and analysis. It criticizes teaching effect through students’ attitude, task completion and TPACK level, and discusses the conclusions and shortcomings of the research.Chapter Five is the instructional strategies for experiment. The content is elaborated from macroscopic and microscopic aspects. In micro-scale three parts are discussed, which include experimental teaching environment, content and methods.Chapter Six is the summary. This part analyzes the achievement and innovation point in this study, and states inspiration and prospect of the article.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPACK, Modern Educational Technology, Experimental Teaching, Technology Mapping
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