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Design Of DeviceNet-CANopen Integrated Slave Node

Posted on:2014-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330398490520Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
CAN bus has a wide range of applications in industrial communication. As a communication protocol, CAN bus has its inherent advantages, but there are still many imperfections and underdevelopment. In order to improve the CAN protocol, DeviceNet and CANopen fieldbus standards are brought in based on CAN bus. DeviceNet and CANopen has a wide range of applications in industrial communication, especially the applications of slave node. The development and use of slave node or even fieldbus system has a lot of significance. At present, there are few enterprise products compatible with a variety of bus, their products are often based on a single fieldbus field devices which can only be based on a protocol to access to the bus system.According to the current bus control field of multi-bus coexist and industrial needs of the two types of DeviceNet and CANopen bus communication, DeviceNet-CANopen integrated slave node is designed to contains all the nodes function of two protocol,which can be used with two types of bus master-slave communication. Design of DeviceNet-CANopen integrated slave node is very necessary and very meaningfulThis paper first describes the DeviceNet and CANopen bus protocol, then discussed the integrated DeviceNet-CANopen node uses shared technology, because they are based on high-level application layer protocol standard CAN bus in CAN extending from nodes developed on the basis of DeviceNet-CANopen nodes integrated program design and demonstration. Based on this, the hardware structure of the microcontroller and the CAN controller,CAN bus drive is given.The core STC90C514RD+SJA1000+CTM1050T+IDT7130overall system hardware is designed. The C51language to implement the integrated slave node program is designed based on two open source protocol stack code and to write a different underlying CAN driver and user interface program to achieve the dual-stack docking procedures, to complete DeviceNet-CANopen integrated design software to accomplish software design.Finally, the integrated design slave node is needed to be conformance tested. Firstly test program is demonstrated.DeviceNet and CANopen network test platform is structured on the preparation of integrated EDS file of the slave node to subject design integrated networking and communication data from node DeviceNet and CANopen network exchange protocol conformance testing.
Keywords/Search Tags:DeviceNet, CANopen, CAN, integrated, slave node, fieldbus
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