After years of development, the software development has formed a lot of style,and the emergence of a lot of good software architecture, the three-tier system andplug-in system is one of the classic software architecture. But still exist in the field ofsoftware development: inefficient software development, collaborative developmentdifficulties.Of this thesis is the response to these problems, and put forward the innovativecombination of the three-tier system and plug-in system, give full play to the advantagesof both, the formation of a unified brand new software architecture.Firstly, the study of the development and current status of the software system,highlights several typical plug-in architecture: the OSGi architecture, Eclipsearchitecture and Microsoft Silverlight architecture.Then elaborated design ideas based on the three-tier system of plug-in architecture,design goals, and based on these ideas and objectives of the core design of the detaileddescription. The plug core focus on the function of the loading and unloading as well asthe management functions of the plug-in itself, as well as engine management; businessfocus on communication between the business object lifecycle management as well asplug-engine; interface engine focused on the operation of the interface elements isgenerated when plug-in plug-and-play; data engine is used to save and load data, canprovide the business object instance, supports a variety of data media.The papers discussed the implementation of this architecture. Plug core and threeengines were described in detail from three aspects, the first is the appropriateconfiguration file plugin configuration in XML format, which includes a plug-and triplecorresponding configuration; second architecture the relationship of the various classesare given class diagram; third is a description of the critical process, and gives thecorresponding sequence diagram. Also difficult problems arise in the implementationprocess analysis, and final implementation.Finally, plug-ins based on the three-tier architecture, summarized, and theadvantages of this architecture scalability, plug-and-play software components, are better able to carry out the development of teamwork. The current shortcomings of thearchitecture are discussed and pointed out the direction for the development of itsbehind. |