Compared to the traditional electromagnetic time grating, the electric field type timegrating sensor uses a new signal coupling principle and manufacturing process, because ofusing of electric field coupling acquire the signal, the signal strength is higher andanti-interference ability is stronger.The manufacturing process is simple and accurate whenmicro-machining process is adopted. The sensor uses differential capacitive tablet structureresulting in a simple structure and low power consumption. All of the advantages make theelectric field type time grating sensor expected to achieve higher measurement accuracyand promote the product process. Electric field type time grating sensor research withoutany off-the-shelf technology or information can learn is a pioneering work,requiring theform of a combination of theory and practice, and gradually form a field-grating sensordesign theory.Around the parameter design and method optimization of electric field type timegrating sensor, the following work carry out:1. Introduces the structure and workingprinciple of the electric field type time grating sensor and the circuit level and physicallevel measurement model of it is analyzed; in addition, a mathematical model based on thesensor signal coupling is established, on this basis, the generates error is analyzed inmathematical.2. Relies on ANSYS software to establish an electric field simulation modeland simulates the sensor electric field distribution law; Relying on the simulation results,various parameters including pole piece shape, size, length spacing and pole piece gapwidth are identified.3. Focus on a lot of one-on-pole precision experiments and errorverification experiment to identify its error,the causes of first-order error,second-order errorand fourth-order error is found and proposed solutions is presented. Experimental resultslead to the structure of the sensor and experimental methods are continue to improve, thefinal experimental accuracy reaches to±0.5μm. |