FC (Fibre Channel) frame can be encapsulated into Ethernet frame by FCoE (FibreChannel over Ethernet) protocol, so FC request and data can be transmitted via Ethernet,is a component technology that achieves the Ethernet high efficiency Block Storage. FCoEtechnology combines traditional LAN (Local Area Network) and SAN (Storage AreaNetwork), simultaneous transmission of IP and FCoE data packet in high-speed Ethernet.With the development of Storage Network technology, especially the introduction ofGigabit network, the bandwidth of Initiator access to Target continuous rising, thetraditional underlying I/O Request Queue structure needs to be improved, fully takeadevantage of multi-core processors enhance the parallel processing of I/O, and to meetthe needs of user storage diversity.Against promoting effect of FCoE technology to Network Convergence, analyseshierarchy of FC and FCoE, as well as introduces Block I/O subsystem and SCSI (SmallComputer System Interface) subsystem in LINUX kernel, detailed analyses the structureand function of Block Device and Request Queue.According to need of Initiator FCoE protocol processing module,using kernelinterface,completed design and implementation of the module. In order to enhance theoverall performance of FCoE storage, using Multi-Request Queue to parallel process I/Orequests; To meet the demand of user storage diversity, adding Request Queue SelectStrategy, can choose different strategies depending on the Storage environment to meet thedemand.Test results show that Multi-Request Queue can enhance the throughput of FCoEStorage System, using Small Request Optimization Strategy can significantly enhancesmall request IOPS and reduce latency. |