Because of the uncertain demand, the supply chain,which is composed ofprovision of raw material, product and assembly, inventory anddistribution,after-sales service and recycling, has replaced the traditional signalcompany became the major competitor of market. The distribution aspect of supplychain provide product and compete directly with other competitor, the choice ofdistribution channel strategy has a significant impact of the overall market share,revenues and profits, and coupled with the enormous changes of e-commerce, thestrategy of distribution channel has became one of the most important issue of thedesign of supply chain. Consequently, this article based on the matching relationshipbetween product and supply chain, analyze the manufacturer’s distribution channelstrategy, and proposed the coordination strategy of channel conflicts.Firstly, using professor Fisher’s theory as a basis, summarizing researchachievement of the matching between product and supply chain,get the latestclassification of product and supply chain, and matching relationship, that is thematching relationship between fashionable, standardization and hybrid product andthe agile, lean and hybrid supply chain. Secondly, extend and solve channel profitmodel through the consumer’s utility and demand model, obtain the optimal decisionand the maximum profit value in different distribution channel strategy, and analyzethe impact of degree of channel acceptance, sensitive of price and service and servicecost on the direction and strength of profit. Thirdly, take the traditional retail channelstrategy and dual-channel strategy as research object, make use of channel’s profitmodel and the MATLAB simulation, and discuss the profit of retailer, manufacturerand the whole supply chain when different types of product choose different channelstrategy. Fourthly, take advantage of case to illustrate the selection of distributionchannel strategy via the adoption of channel profit model, verify the feasibility andeffectiveness of the channel profit model. At the same time proposing the coordinationmethod of channel horizontal conflict from a qualitative view, putting forwarddevelopment plan of internet direct sales channel based on combination ofmanufacturer’s actual situation and planning for the future. At last, make a briefsummary of the paper’s content and research achievement and point out the directionof future research.The innovation of this paper is comprehensive application of method and theoryof management, economics, operation research and marketing, studying the supplychain distribution channel strategy from perspective of product characteristic, makinguse of consumer utility and demand model,channel profit model and MATLABsimulation, analyzing the profit level of retailer, manufacturer and the whole supplychain in the view point of quantitative when select different distribution channelstrategy for different type of product, providing the proof for the selection of distribution channel strategy, at the same time proposing the coordination method ofchannel conflicts from a qualitative view. The conclusion of this article indicates that,in the process of supply design, select matching distribution channel strategyaccording to the type of product, could bring higher level profit to the manufacturer,optimize the supply chain, and enhance the competitiveness. |