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The Study On The Mode Of University-based Agricultural S&T Popularization

Posted on:2014-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401473739Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long time, countries especially developed ones employ innovative agricultural S&Tpopularization mode as the main approach to enhance agricultural science and technologylevel and core capability for the improvement of the contribution rate of science andtechnology to agriculture. Faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges, Guidelinesfor the Medium-and Long-Term National Science and Technology Development Program hasbrings forwards that after15years, the agricultural science and technology level of ourcountry will be advanced in the world and get a promotion of the capacity of agriculturalcomprehensive production and therefore ensure food security. To achieve the Guidelines’sstrategic objectives, the ultimate point is that we should gradually improve innovation abilityof agriculture technology, and increase the role of science and technology in agriculturaldevelopment and then explore the new modes of agricultural S&T popularization. In recentyears, the mode of university-based agricultural S&T popularization gradually formed undergovernment’s guide and support. Leading by university and following the law of marketeconomy, the mode tends to ally with various institutions and companies, carry out the newpopularization system which demonstrate and popularize new technology and products, andthen realize the organic combination of scientific research, teaching and popularization. It isnot only an important mode of agricultural science and technology innovation, but also anecessary supplement to the current agricultural S&T popularization system. In addition, themode plays an important role in agricultural modernization. However, restricted by traditionalinstitutional barriers, the organized technology popularization and social service ofuniversities still stay away from agricultural S&T popularization system which is under theleading of government for a long time. Consequently, it’s hard to take the universities’advantages to the full play in long term. Therefore, enhancing the study on the mode ofuniversity-based agricultural S&T popularization is accorded with the direction of agriculturalscience and technology system reformation, and is essential to further innovation andimprovement of agricultural S&T popularization system. So, the study has importanttheoretical value and practical significance.The present essay is based on the view of science and technology innovation, theoretically analyzes and generalizes the practical experience both at home and abroad. Frommore interdisciplinary perspective, we closely integrate the request of national and regionalmajor strategy, and then explore the university-based agricultural S&T popularization system.At the same time, we take the case of Northwest A&F University’s mode to make a concreteanalysis and conclude the advantages and disadvantages of university-based agricultural S&Tpopularization mode. On the basis of this, according to the successful experiences andempirical analysis of Northwest A&F University, we give suggestions on the running ofuniversity-based agricultural S&T popularization mode from the perspective of policy-making.
Keywords/Search Tags:university-based, agricultural S&T popularization mode, mode study, policysuggestions
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