With the continuous upgrading and development of Internet technology, moreand more consumers are able to enjoy the convenience of Internet with variety ofnetwork devices. However, in the competition of huge market, any strategic planningand operational decisions require information about consumer behavior. In thedevelopment process of retail store, the retail store image concept can explain manyconsumer behaviors, but few scholars extend the concept to the online retail area.In order to find out the relationship between online store image and impulsivepurchase behavior on network shopping. This study use M-R model which is fromenvironmental psychology as the basis structure to explore the effect between onlinestore image, personality traits and emotional response. Finally find out therelationship between emotional response and impulsive purchase intention. This studytakes other scholars’ papers as references, and collect data via a questionnaire. Thispaper also uses statistical software such as SPSS, AMOS, via exploratory factoranalysis, confirmatory factor analysis, integrated structural model analysis, pathanalysis and other analytical methods to process data.The data show that the network store image will cause emotional responsesinclude happy and arousal, and emotional responses have a significant impact onimpulsive purchase intention. But the impact use emotional response as an interveningvariable, the direct effect was not significant. Impulse buying tendency and shoppingenjoyment also causes consumers’ emotional response and finally affect the impulsivepurchase intention. But there are both direct and indirect effects which are differentfrom online store image. On the other hand, the effect of normative evaluation in themodel has not been verified.The results have a certain practical inspiration. Emotional response of consumersin online shopping process can significantly affect the behavior of impulse buying. Soweb design, interaction, types of goods, promotion should be considered how theyaffect consumer. In addition, because of the individual characteristics of consumershave an important impact on their behavior, use various techniques to identify thedifferent individual characteristics is more valuable way to make market segment. |