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An Analysis Of Chinese Financial Stability Impack And Empirical Research

Posted on:2014-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Research on financial stability,both domestic and abroad there are manymethods,but it is not fully reflect a country’s financial stability.Based on the theory ofthe financial stability is proposed in this paper,discusses the financial stability’scharacteristics,the theoretical framework of it are obtained.Respectively analyed theaffect the financial stability of the macroeconomic and the microeconomic infuencingfaters,this paper expounds the financial stability of the effect on economic growth andrelationship between the financial stability and the inflation levels. Then, based on"the bank stability is the core of the financial stability", the selection is used tomeasure the banking system stability of the core indicators, using entropy valueweight method to build the financial stability index (FSI), which is used to measurethe stability of the banking sector in the financial system. By calculating every yearfrom2003to2010, the second, fourth quarter FSI and its change trend, and make useof the FSI estimated2003-2010in China banking system security status evaluation. Astudy concluded that: from2003to2010our country’s banking system safe overalltrend is gradually getting better. But at the end of2003-2006, our country financialstability conditions in the stage of high risk; In the second quarter of2007, China’sfinancial stability conditions at the low risk stage; In the fourth quarter of2007to thesecond quarter of2008, China’s financial stability; In the fourth quarter of2008,because of the influence of the economic crisis, our country financial stabilityconditions back to moderate risk stages; Through the implementation of the macropolicies, throughout the year and in2009in the second quarter of2010, China’sfinancial stability conditions at the low risk stage; In the fourth quarter of2010,China’s financial stability development, and keep good trend. At the same time, in2007-2009financial crisis mainly through the interest rate market make its stability inthe transmission mechanism. In the open condition of finance now still need highattention under the financial risks.In this paper a total of six parts, the first part is introduction, research purposeand research significance of this paper is discussed, and then the related theory athome and abroad were reviewed and discussed;The first part discusses the definitionof financial theory and financial stability of the stability, elaborated the paper research the basic idea of;The third part mainly discusses the financial robustness of themacroeconomic and microeconomic influence factors are analyzed; The fourth partand fifth part is the core of this paper, introduces the financial stability index selectionbasis and the construction of evaluation index system,choose the financial stabilityindex (FSI) evaluation system to analyze the financial stability conditions in ourcountry. Selected the eight indicators reflect the bank stability, through qualitative andquantitative analysis,empowerment weight by entropy value method to build thefinancial stability index (FSI), finally through the empirical analysis of the variousindex of the influence degree of the financial stability of our country. The finalchapter analyzes the conclusion of this paper and give the constructive Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial Stability, Banking Stability, Financial StabilityIndicators, Financial Stability Index
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