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Research On The Countermeasures Of Energy-Saving Services Industry Development In Province Jilin

Posted on:2014-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425493882Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The energy-saving services industry as an important force supporting the growth of the economic efficiency in various industrial, showing the gradual trend of the growth, and is becoming a key factor of adjusting industrial structure, reform and innovation, energy conservation of the world.Province Jilin is the region having more types of energy, though total energy less rich. Promoting the development of the energy services industry, is not only an important demand of the revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast China, but also ensuring energy security, promoting the optimization of the industrial structure, and is an effective way towards from low-carbon economy to achieve of sustainable development.In this paper, in-depth studying and understanding of the basis of the knowledge of the energy-saving services industry, the meaning of the energy-saving service business model, implementation steps to do a comprehensive analysis. Defined the energy-saving services industry and analyzed the characteristics of the energy-saving services industry. The current energy consumption of Jilin Province, expounded the necessity of the development of the energy-saving services industry in Province Jilin. On the basis on the status quo of the energy-saving services industry in Province Jilin, through the SWOT analysis and multivariate statistical analysis method of combining the constraints of the energy-saving services industry in Province Jilin and proposed the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:energy-saving, energy-saving-services industry, promote countermeasures
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