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The Problem Of Landless Peasants In China In View Of The Marx Land Rent Theory

Posted on:2014-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428960712Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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With the development of economy society and the acceleration of the industrialization,China’s urbanization also enters into a new stage of development. Urbanization marked afundamental shift in the country’s economic structure, social structure and the mode ofproduction. As a result, a large number of agricultural land has been expropriated, whichcaused that the farmers are losing land. Those issues increasingly become common concernof the Party and the government, as well as the whole society.The first part is mainly explained the core idea of the Rent Theory. Firstly, rent is theform of land ownership in economy. Capitalism land rent mainly includes the interestsamong landowners, land managers and agricultural employment. Its essence is theexploitation to agricultural works of the land owners and land managers. Secondly, the landprice is the capitalized rent. Because the land is not the product of labor, so land is no value.The essence of land price is the land rent reducted by certain interest rate. The last two kindof land rent is the differential rent and absolute rent. There are two forms of differential rent.One is the different land rent1. The different social fertility and location makes the sameamount of capital has different results. Another one id differential rent11, which hasdifferent labor productivity in the continuous investment on the dame price of land. Theexistence of land ownership is the premise of the absolute rent. Because of the existenceand monopoly of land ownership, the excess profits in agriculture turns into rent, then therewill be absolute rent.The second part is the situation and reason analysis of landless farmers in China.Firstly, it describes the current situation of landless farmers and the troubles after farmerslosing their rights and identity.After losing land, farmers lose the rights of survival,development and property interests. Their life can not be guaranteed. What’s more, farmershave a lot of difficulties in survival and development after the identity change. According tothe current situation,I will analyze it from three aspects of differential land rent andacquisition compensation, absolute land rent and land ownership, as well as the landacquisition system. Because of the fertility of the land and the different location, thedifferential rent is different. So the acquisition compensation is different. China persistsland ownership, there is absolute rent, but because of China’s land ownership is not clear,resulting in unstandardized unjust and unreasonable compensation, which harms theinterests of the farmers.The third part is the inspiration of landless farmers in China based on Marx’s RentTheory. Firstly this section describes Rent Theory produced in a capitalist society, buttoday China still has significance. And then on the issue of landless farmers, i make some suggestions of the compensation standards, clear land ownership, improving the landrequisition system, the establishment of landless peasants security system.Researching the Marx’s Rent Theory is an effective inspiration to solve the issues oflandless farmers in the process of urbanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx’s Rent Theory, Land acquisition compensation, Land ownership, Security system
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