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Analysis And Research On Hybrid 5RP Robot

Posted on:2016-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2278330470481343Subject:(degree of mechanical engineering)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hybrid robot has the advantages of parallel robot and robot, not only has high bearing capacity,high positioning accuracy, high stiffness,but also has the characteristics of large working space and the flexible end.Nowadays,with the increasing demand for industrial applications,also the requirements of every kind of robot being increased. Hybrid robot has more advantages than other robots, and has broad application prospects. So many scholars of all ages is interested in it, and is studying in it.This paper focuses on a kind of six DOF hybrid robot.Carries on its forward and inverse kinematics solutions, Jacobian matrix, work space, static stiffness and so on several aspects of the analysis and simulation. The main research contents are as follows:1) Use less DOF RGRR-I parallel robot to produce hybrid robot, and using the exhaustive method,showing the Possibility of 5RP hybrid is composed of RGRR-I parallel robot. Use the (RGRR-I)x-Pz-Rz-(RGRR-I)z as an example for analysis and research.2) According to the structure characteristics of (RGRR-I)x-Pz-Rz-(RGRR-I)z,producing the establishment of the corresponding coordinate system. And use the method of D-H description to establish The transformation matrix between the connecting rod. And solve the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics.Thus laid the foundation for solving the Jacobian matrix.3) Study on the Jacobian matrix of (RGRR-I)x-Pz-Rz-(RGRR-I)z.Laying the foundation for the back of the static stiffness solution.4) According to the constraint equation for (RGRR-I)x-Pz-Rz-(RGRR-I)z,and according to the constraints between components.Using the limit boundary searching method, draw the working space and has carried on the analysis to the main parameters affecting the working space.Assisted by MATLAB software.5) Established static stiffness analysis of (RGRR-I)x-Pz-Rz-(RGRR-I)z mechanism model, reveals the static stiffness distribution in the working space. And use analysis software to verify the effectiveness of static stiffness model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hybrid robot, Kinematics, Jacobian matrix, Working space, Static stiffness analysis
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