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Effects Of Urease/Nitrification Inhibitor Application On Tomato Yield, Quality And The Influence Of Nitrogen Utilization Research

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330467457801Subject:Soil science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Low utilization rate of nitrogen has become a prominent problem in agriculturalproduction in China. Slow controlled release fertilizer not only can effectively improvevegetable yield and efficiency using nitrogen, also can lower the nitrate content invegetables in the body, thus reducing environmental pollution.This paper is about the low utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer, agricultural non-pointsource pollution of objective facts, using pot experiment to study the influence of theresidue of urease/nitrification inhibitors slow-release fertilizer on tomato yield, quality andutilization rate of nitrogen and nitrogen in the soil. With boric acid/dicyandiamide doubleinhibitors made slow release nitrogen fertilizer, crop production and less effective forimproving the utilization ratio of nitrogen, nitrogen pollution to the environment andprovides scientific theoretical basis for fertilization. The main results were as follows:1. Urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor can improve tomato yield compared withcommon urea which was generally between40%~73.98%to increase production. Dualinhibitors could produce synergies, urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor on tomatoyield all conform to the law of diminishing returns. Slow-release fertilizer with ureaseinhibitor boric acid concentration7.41%,concentration of nitrification inhibitordicyandiamide8.01%, the tomato production peak which was410g.2. Compared with common urea, adding double inhibitors can significantly reducenitrate content in tomatoes, declined between20%~40%in general. Inhibitors offertilization of also can reduce the nitrate content. But the effect of the dual inhibitors withthan single effect was good. The tomato nitrate content simulation equation showed thatwhen the concentration of boric acid was10.16%, dicyandiamide concentration at7.71%tomato nitrate content was the lowest, at20.32mg/kg, reached the international standard,and can be eaten raw.3. Slow-release fertilizer processing B10D8the highest content of VC,28.41mg/100g.Ordinary urea process B0D0VC content is18.60mg/100g, by adding inhibitor increasedthe content of VC, generally between20%~40%. Experiment shows that the applicationof inhibitors of slow-release fertilizer could increase tomato VC content, higher thannutritional value.4.Compared with common urea treatment, using urease/nitrification inhibitorslow-release fertilizer could significantly increased the content of fruit soluble sugar, andslow-release fertilizer B10D8processing fruit soluble sugar content was the highest, at9.50%more than ordinary urea soluble sugar content increased by58.33%. Each inhibitorsoluble sugar content was16.67%~58.33%. Compared with common urea process, various inhibitors slow-release fertilizer processing organic acid’s content increasedsignificantly, the fruit of slow-release fertilizer B10D8fruit processing organic acid contentin the highest which was at0.72%, other application of inhibitor slow-release fertilizerprocessing organic acid content was commonly0.56%~0.56%. The inhibitor slow-releasefertilizer processing fruit sugar acid ratio increased significantly, the slow-release fertilizerB0.5D5processing fruit sugar acid ratio in the highest, at15.69, which was significantlyhigher than ordinary urea process sugar acid ratio of12.24.5. Urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide borate can both improvethe utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate of tomatorange between24.32%and50.16%that significantly differently. Compared with thenormal urea, adding the inhibitor can improve the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer,generally between40%~100%.6. The ordinary urea process of soil ammonium nitrogen content was the highest,6.54mg/kg, and application of inhibitor treatment of soil ammonium nitrogen content issignificantly lower than the normal urea treatment, including slow-release fertilizerprocessing B5D8soil ammonium nitrogen content is the lowest, at4.56mg/kg. Whenurease inhibitor concentration of boric acid in5%concentration of nitrification inhibitordicyandiamide in8%, the best inhibiting effect.7. Application of urease/nitrification double inhibitor treatment were significantlylower than normal soil nitrate nitrogen content in urea treatment, of which the slow-releasefertilizer processing B10D8soil nitrate nitrogen content was the lowest, at26.48mg/kg.Ordinary urea deal with the highest content of soil nitrate nitrogen,48.69mg/kg. When theconcentration of dicyandiamide in8%concentration of boric acid at10%level, the processof nitrification inhibition effect was remarkable which was the highest inhibition effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urease inhibitor, Nitrification inhibitor, Tomato, Nitrogen use efficiency, Production, Boric acid, DCD
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