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Function And Manifestation Of Interactive Experience In Display Design

Posted on:2015-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330452968417Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The high-speed development of science and technology has set off a profoundsocial reform, which not only changes people’s life, work and pattern of consumption,but brings infinite chances and challenges for the development of all walks of life. Thechange of the dissemination mode of information leads to significant transformations inpeople’s behaviors and thinking mode. On this background, the reformation of displaydesign’s form presents a trend of diversification in design methods. The applicationsbased on high and new technologies enrich the form of display design, highlight thecharacteristics of items on display, and cast off the simple and uninteresting feature oftraditional display methods. The most representative of these applications is interactivedisplay method, which enthralls viewers by its interactivity, comprehensiveness, andstrong scene feeling, invites viewers to directly take part in the interaction with exhibits,and caters to the way of people reading and understanding information in thisinformation era.China started late on Display Design, and this has led to a weak foundation of thissubject and very few scholars and works on it. Even so, many of these scholars andworks only concentrate on studying traditional display methods and system. Therefore,this article looks at the interactive experience in display design from a brand-newperspective, combs through and rethinks about the history of display design, andanalyzes the manifestations and functional effects of display design in the modern andcontemporary ages. Combining with several display examples, it discusses theapplication of technologies employed by interactive experience of modern society suchas man-machine engineering, multimedia, virtual scene, and so on, in display design, then analyzes, summarizes, and combs through their enormous influence on displaydesign, puts forward our own views on the future development of interactive displaydesign and the problems needed to be solved, and rethinks the display design of Chinatoday.At last, by discussing and analyzing domestic and overseas display works at theforefront of art and science, it reveals the inner relationship between art and science,expands and deepens the studies on art and science, improves the innovative level of artand science, makes designs unconventional and unorthodox by taking full advantage ofnew achievements of science and technology and giving full play to designers’ potential,and promotes the harmonious development of art and science. It firmly grasps the pulseof display design and tries to help China’s level on display design catch up with andeven exceed developed countries, and this is just this article’s value of research.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Evolution of Display Design, Interactive Experience, AestheticCharacteristics, Functional Effect, Future Prospect
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