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The Creative Reports Of Wuling Autumn Sound

Posted on:2016-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the artistic creation, the relationship between form and content is a topic that has often been among yourselves. Some emphasize forms,some focus on content. Basic clear in terms of landscape painting, the content of the performance, and performance in specific form, poets in heavy method, they judged the yuan remains. This paper from the basic process of sketch into the creation, making a series of research and exploration to formal language. On the one hand, on the view of the ancients, such as over the "pen and ink when over time". On the other hand also recognize that pen and ink form has its regional and different places have different pen and ink form corresponding. In addition,through his own creation practice, I deeply realize the form exploring back to have a certain emotional support, otherwise the form will also become a cold body.
Keywords/Search Tags:Form, content, text, emotion
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