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A New Composition Of Chinese Landscape Painting From My Experience

Posted on:2016-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T JiangFull Text:PDF
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Chinese paintings composition in a traditional Chinese paintings means that all paintings elements were well organized, good layout or position managed well. However, Western paintings composition is more concentrated on plane formation and color formation, for example, the combine points with lines and sides and colour using. My dissertation focuses on tow effects, one is the element of composition effected on Chinese landscape paintings, and the other is Western paintings composition effected on Chinese landscape paintings. Then develop them into my own painting. During my research, first is to find the difference between East and west painting composition by combining Chinese and Western paintings; second are to analyses the paintings of both Yushun LU and Gang LI; at last is to develop my own painting by combine all advantages found above with a special element of poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese landscape painting, Western paintings composition, Difference, Poetry, New composition
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