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A Report Of Academic Translation Under The Guidance Of Newmark’s Translation Typology

Posted on:2016-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
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Owing to its professional, practical and academical value, academic translation is of great importance, and plays an important role in the spread of academic thought, enriching local culture and promoting innovation. The Columbia History of the American Novel, edited by Emory Elliot, has been chosen as the translation material of this translation practice. The chosen texts are organized with high accuracy, clear logic and close thoughts. The language presents to be both scientific and artistic.The translation report has been conducted under the perspective of Newmark’s translation typology, resorting to the translation strategy of semantic translation and communicative translation. NTT(Newmark’s translation typology) gives priority to the ST(source text) and points out that the translator should vary their translation methods and strategies from different kinds of texts. Thus, it presents great feasibility to guide the translation of academic translation. The main body of this report is the study on the Chinese translation of The Columbia History of the American Novel under the guidance of Newmark’s translation typology, including: the complicated long sentences, the different rhetoric and titles.The report is an analysis of the universal problems existing in the translation process of academic texts extracted from Louis The Columbia History of the American Novel, edited by Emory Elliot, from the perspective of Newmark’s translation typology and its strategies of semantic translation and communicative translation, with a view to mirror the translation problems and difficulties in a rational manner. Case studies of this report mainly fall into following four dimensions: rhetorical skills, lexical skills, long sentence translation and title translation. Each dimension is analyzed with several typical examples. As for rhetoric, semantic translation should be the priority. If it does not work, we should resort to the communicative translation; as for lexical words, the translator doesn’t have to stick to the original amounts and forms of the words, instead, the translators should properly add, omit or transform some words to make sure that the translation is fluent and faithful; as for long sentences, they usually are combined with rhetoric and lexical skills. So the principles of rhetoric and lexical are also suitable for long sentences translation; as for titles, the translator should retain the features of concise, eye-catching and implication as well as the spiritual nature and content of the titles. It is hoped that reasonable description and explanation of those translation problems will be achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Newmark’s translation typology, semantic translation, communicative translation, academic texts
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