The village is the local government the most basic of our governmentorganization, is the party’s grassroots organizations in rural areas, is to implement theparty’s basic policies of rural units. From the importance, leading cadres of townshipis the party is in the direct implementation of policy, the policy in rural areas, is thebackbone of rural undertakings. Township leading cadres at grassroots, play animportant role, directly facing the masses directly contact with the masses, servicemasses directly, is the main body of the party and the government to maintain closeties with the masses; its style is directly related to the broad masses of the people’sparty in the image and the model, the relationship between the party’s grassrootsruling ability of the party to consolidate, improve the relationship at the grass-rootslevel of ruling, can influence and promote good governance, customs. Therefore,strengthening the construction of leading cadres’ style of great significance.This article from the township leading cadre style construction background andsignificance of the style, analysis of problems in the construction of township leadingcadre style, and made the questionnaire survey, five of township leading cadre styleconstruction appears: ideological style, work style, style of study, life style, leadershipstyle to carry on the research analysis, the their importance, furthermore, problemsand causes of township leading cadre style to carry on the research analysis, analysisof ideological style, study style, work style, leadership style, the reasons of theproblems in life style, and using literature data, combined with survey and analysis,sorting out the current construction of township leading cadre style to measures andCountermeasures to improve and strengthen. |