Township and village cadres is the grassroots regime’s backbone, its style andbehavior affects the image of the party and the government, shows the people its imageand purpose of the party in power directly,related to the public attitude for or against,party and state’s life and death and the good and bad of social conduct. Review thefounding, more than90years history, the party and the state can achieve the victory ofNew democratic revolution, Socialist revolution and Socialist construction and theSocialist reform open, the biggest magic weapon is always the attitude construction inthe important position.This article first elaborates the research background, research significance,research review, research methods and content, and innovation and deficiency, then thebasic connotation of township and village cadres style, observation dimension, positionfunction has made the detailed explanation, carefully tease Mao zedong, Deng xiaoping,Jiang zemin and Hu jintao and Xi jinping, several main leaders of the party and the stateof the construction of style of the classic thoughts.The guiding ideology of township and village cadres style construction include:tofurther implement the eighteenth big spirit, have to adhere to the party’s basic line,toserve the overall situation of the party and the state, adhere to the inheritance andinnovation, establish long-term goal and solve the outstanding problems, the systemconstruction and ideological education unifies. Township and village cadres styleconstruction must carry out the principle of "party to party" and the policy of"governing partyâ€, adhere to service the masses as the core, do service comprehensivecoverage, adhere to the theory with practice, to ensure quality, pragmatic.In this paper, on the premise of recognizing the current situation at home andabroad, analyzing the township cadre attitude construction ideological style, study style,work style and life style problems in four aspects, analyzing the causes of the problem,representative and draw lessons from foreign countries on the advanced experience of grass-roots cadres,finally from the aspects of guiding ideology, basic principles,concrete countermeasures put forward ideas to strengthen the construction of style oftownship and village cadres energetically.Put forward concrete measures to strengthenthe construction of township and village cadres style in our country on five aspects:establish and improve the selection mechanism, the education mechanismon of style,the inspection and supervision mechanism of style, incentive mechanism of style, theaccountability mechanism of style on township and village cadres. |