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Grassroots’s Procuratorate Crime Prevention Work Specialization And Socialization Development

Posted on:2015-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P XueFull Text:PDF
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The procuratorial organ is supervisory organ for laws in our county. Its basic characters and primary function are to carry out duty of law supervising. Preventing duty crime by the procuratorial organ is the power of office that based on function of procuratorial organ which is law supervising and is important powers of office given by the criminal law of our county and is also one of the significant job content of the procuratorial organ. As long as the variability of the form of anti-corruption in our county and the requesting in criminal justice, the work of preventing duty crime is considered more and more importantly by the procuratorial organ and other related people. The departments of preventing duty crime of procuratorial organs at all levels have done a great quantity work, much of beneficial exploration has been done and significant effects have obtained. However, although the preventing duty crime is moving forward, some disadvantages still exit which are not satisfied by us and can’t match with anti-corruption currently at the same time. During the judiciary being carried out, attaching important to examination but neglecting prevention is frequently. Particularly, the departments of preventing duty crime at low levels are badly in need of advance in aspects of section setting staff arrangement the style of work and so on. In the aspect of socialization of preventing duty crime, the work by procuratorial organ is just a part in social prevention system. Everyone should participate in this system responsible with it. Only in this Way, the work of anti-corruption can be advanced. However, the socialization of this work is not obvious is some area. Much of the work is limited and depends on procuratorial organs at low levels by holding chairs organizing exhibition of caution education. The effects of preventing duty crime are not satisfied. As long as the situation of anti-occupation is worsening, it need to decrease and eliminate occupation at the source and strengthen the effect of politics social and law by breaking through traditional mode of preventing duty crime, being based on criminal, exploring the new styles and methods of preventing duty crime in professionalization and socialization, advancing the level of professionalism of the procuratorial organ in preventing duty crime and working with related departments and social. This paper starts with the concept of duty crime and discusses the problem of socialization and professionalization of preventing duty crime in our country from the point of combining theory and practice. The research object is the practice of preventing duty crime in procuratorial organ of RiZhao. Analyzing the current situation, finding the disadvantages, studying the improved method are expected to be good for anti-occupation and preventing duty crime in procuratorates at low levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Duty crime, procuratorial organ, prevent, professionalization, socialization
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