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Ideological And Political Education Of Prison Inmates Targeted Research

Posted on:2015-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330434958388Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ideological education of offenders is an important aspect of ideological and political education, as well as the ideological and political education in a particular area. One of the most significant duties of the prison is to adust their fallacious intentions via moral education in order to remedy their ill behaviors and teach them to be decent members of society.This paper summarizes the research status at home and abroad on the ideological and political education of prison inmates, discusses the particularity of the particularity of the inmates as educational groups, as well as inmates ideological and political education. Describes the status of ideological and political education of inmates from the prison of both content and method.According to the Shanxi two prison inmates conducted200questionnaires, prison officers stage draw ideological and political education work the problems.Although much emphasis has been put on the topic of moral education, the outcomes have not been ideal due to the lack of pertinence and attraction in the two critical points of the content and the methodology of education. The main focus of this thesis is to make the moral education of juvenile delinquents more specific and effective in accordance with how the prisoners think and how the prison are actually functioning.Specific study about the moral education among prison can help perfect both the system of moral education as a subject and that of the theory about reconstructing the prison. It may also improve the quality of moral education, hence, ensuring the security of surveillance and promoting the peace and security of the society. Moreover, they depend more and ask for more caring from family. Common sense and updated policies in fields of laws and regulations, moral judgments, and psychological health etc. Are major contents of the education among prison.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prisoners, Moral Education, Specify
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